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       Planetarium TVP

Orion's Sword out of the Garbage Can

Autorem zdjęcia jest KarstenMller
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M42-Great Nebula in Orion zgłoś naruszenie zasad

Due to the bad weather, new data are not to be expected. I had the idea to combine ​​my first deep sky image from January 2011 with additional data of a Guiding tests from November 2011. The data : January 2011: each 20 x 5 , 15, 30 , 60 seconds - 8 x 120 sec - 9 x 180 sec - 1 x 300 sec without tracking control with a Skywatcher refractor FH 80/400 on NEQ3 , Canon EOS 400D at ISO 1600 November 2011: 4 x 600 seconds at ISO 1600 with Skywatcher ED80 and EOS 400D ( unmodified) on NEQ3 Skyscan . Tracking control with ALccd5 on FH 80/400 and PHD . No calibration data are made. Processed in PixInsight and the first time I made a HDR composition.

Data wykonania zdjęcia:2011-11-21
Obiekt:M42-Great Nebula in Orion   znajdź inne zdjęcia M42-Great Nebula in Orion
Teleskop:SW FH 80/400 ans SW ED80   znajdź wykonane teleskopem: SW FH 80/400 ans SW ED80
Detektor:Canon EOS 400D not modified   znajdź wykonane detektorem: Canon EOS 400D not modified
Montaż:NEQ3 Skyscan   znajdź wykonane montażem: NEQ3 Skyscan
Espozycja:20 x 5, 15, 30, 60 s / 8 x 120 / 9 x 180 / 1 x 300 unguided - 4 (ilość x czas/iso)
Ogniskowa:510 mm
8.00 Aktualna ocena:
Oddanych głosów: 1
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W ulubionych:0

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